Essay assignment and class discussion

And yet, even with all that time, all useful resources, easily accessible, and very beautiful out there, and twenty years of experience in teaching undergraduate courses in music, I have been unable to study history Western music at all satisfactory and meaningful or lasting. To meet the challenge of giving my students the big picture, the whole picture, or even a corner of online tamil fm the more or less complete and intact picture, I've been a complete failure. Agreeing with my inability to study the history of Western music and literature was the most liberating experience of go here career. Certainly, I still teach the usual assortment of main courses of study of music, and I still use A history of Western music and online tamil fm the Norton Anthology as my textbooks required. But when faced with the task of bringing my students on a mythical journey to Euripides Bright, I threw my hands and surrendered.

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I gave up. Surprisingly (at least it was a surprise to me), failing in the survey allowed me to meet head on what I consider to be the second daunting challenge in teaching undergraduate music history. How do we study the history of music tangibly relevant in the lives of our students, especially when your student life you look so different student lives (sometimes too fondly) remember. And by relevant, I mean not only musically relevant, so it is (mostly) without saying. We all know and have experienced the tremendous benefits artists obtained by studying the history of music.

But of course, that music historians are not in this business just to serve the feet of the powerful musical interpretation. The real challenge for teachers of music history is to put this story in a direct dialogue with our contemporary everyday lives to make music history, not online tamil fm only musically relevant, but relevant intellectually, politically relevant, relevant, sexually, spiritually relevant, psychologically relevant, even ecological relevant not only in the there and then of history, but in the here and now of today. In other words, our historical musical education need to reach our students in ways that profoundly affect their existence as citizens of planet Earth of the century. This is a difficult task. In this essay I will share the details of three multi-class activities that use in a music history course-projects that demonstrate how to admit online tamil fm defeat in the challenge of being thorough and comprehensive allowed me to explore the tangible connections between the old stories European music history and everyday life tamil music fm experiences of my students in America. After his essays are written, my students spend an entire class meeting discussing these issues with others, and often the only musicians mentioned They are Miler Cyrus and John Cage.